Looking for happiness in all the wrong places.
Lots of people believe that success, achievement, and material possessions make them happy. While these may improve their quality of living, the pleasure of acquiring them comes with a fear of loss, and with it, pain. If this is so, what we experience when this happens is a form of conditional contentment…fleeting and ephemeris. The truth is, our definition of happiness is not really ours. We learn other peoples’ idea of happiness and drag it with us all throughout our lives, never putting it under the microscope or challenging it in any way. Our parents and their parents’ parents taught us everything about life BUT how to be ourselves, to…
9 Easy to Spot Depression Signs + Depression Test
What depression is and isn’t. Feeling sad, unhappy, or getting “the blues” are not the same as depression. I want to be clear here, depression is not something to feel ashamed about, nor is it a sign of weakness. Depression is a clinical term that describes a very serious issue, an umbrella encompassing a wide variety of symptoms that must be present for a specific period of time and with various degrees of intensity. If you or someone you know experience some or all of the depression signs and symptoms below for more than a few weeks on a consistent basis, seek professional help. I am guessing you didn’t come…